Planning our next project meeting

apr 29, 2019

Our next project meeting for all project members


Our next project meeting for all project members will be in Sandnes, Norway on the 9th and 10th of May, as announced. The meeting starts at 08.30 (both days) and ends the 10th at 16.00h. We will use the first day to inform each other about our results so far and to visit the Research Greenhouse at Særheim. There will be time for informal discussions.

For the second day, we have invited five key persons in to discuss the value of our research for the Norwegian society. These five persons represent (1) tomato growers, (2) the agricultural industry, (3) the food industry, (4) policy makers and (5) scientific research. Our main results will be discussed with each of these key persons. This will give us an idea about the value and relevance of our interdisciplinary research so far and what to focus on at the remaining part of the project. It will also help to transfer our knowledge to the main target group.
















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